Donna Care Capsules

  • Dosage: 1 capsule per day with 1 full glass of water for three months without a break
  • Contraindications: in people under 12 years of age and during pregnancy and breastfeeding, people with hormone-dependent cancer, hormone and potassium tests, from two weeks before surgery, in people taking blood anticoagulants
  • Precautions: People with cardiovascular disease

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72,300 $


Constituents of Livroid capsule Concentrated extract (20:1) of five fingers plant, extract of licorice and peony plants The active ingredient of Livroid capsules Agnozide Application of Livrid capsules:

Helping to reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, including: reducing pain and spasms, improving mood and regulating the level of hormones. Donaker’s product with a unique combination of natural extracts for the body can have a significant effect in improving the symptoms of PMS. 1- five finger plant:

The most important compound in this product is the concentrated extract of this plant, which can be effective in reducing pain symptoms and breast sensitivity by increasing the level of progesterone and also with dopaminergic effects and finally reducing the level of prolactin. It is also effective in improving mood during this period. 2- The combination of two plants, peony and licorice: Studies have shown that the combination of the extracts of these two plants together is effective in reducing menstrual pain and spasms and regulates prolactin levels.


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