45,000 $ 38,500 $
Constituents of Livroid capsule Concentrated extract of thistle seeds with 80% of active ingredients, picorhiza, qased flower, turmeric The active ingredient of Livroid capsules Silymarins, curcuminoids and flavonoids Application of Livrid capsules
Helping to reduce the symptoms of fatty liver, including adjusting the level of liver enzymes, reducing the accumulation of fat in the antioxidant liver tissue, and thus reducing inflammation and preventing the death of liver tissue cells. 1- Milk thistle plant: This plant, having the active substance of silymarins, including silybin A and B, with very high antioxidant properties, reduces liver tissue inflammation and thus prevents cell death. Also, studies have shown that consuming this plant for 8 weeks in combination with plants such as gasid flower can be very effective in reducing the level of liver enzymes. In addition, by stimulating the transcription of the PGC-1a genome and irisin, it is effective in reducing fat accumulation in the liver tissue.
2- Messenger flower: In addition to reducing inflammation and the level of liver enzymes, the extract of this plant has reduced the digestive complications caused by thistle and has made long-term use of this product safe. 3- Picrorhiza Cora: This plant is effective in protecting liver cells against free radicals and also reducing liver tissue inflammation by having the active substance picrosides with unique antioxidant power.
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